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Massage therapy

How to Become a Massage Therapist in Mcmurray, PA

To assist prospective students, they have developed a handbook on what it takes to become a licensed massage therapist and what it takes to stay one. If you want more information, provide personal visits with our admissions staff tailored to your schedule, as well as free massage classes and open houses that will provide more information on our programs and what it’s like to be a massage therapist in Mcmurray, PA.

Enroll in a massage therapy training program

Prospective massage therapy students must enroll in an accredited massage therapy program to pursue a career in the field. Massage therapy programs are available at numerous trade schools, community colleges, and specialized massage therapy schools. A student’s success is frequently determined by their education, which serves as the foundation for any job.

The MBLEx must be passed

After completing your massage therapy program, you can take the licensing exam. Massage therapist candidates must pass an official licensing examination. Pennsylvania has approved the MBLEx for its exam. The MBLEx is a two-hour exam with 100 multiple-choice questions designed to assess the candidate’s academic knowledge and practical, real-world applicability. The candidate will be graded either pass or fail. If the candidate earns a failing score, they will be provided diagnostic information indicating whether they performed well, poorly, or borderline in each exam content area.

The Applicant

Congratulations on graduating from massage therapy school and passing your MBLEx! You’re almost there to becoming a registered massage therapist, but there are a few more steps to take. Before they can begin practicing, prospective massage therapists must apply and register with the state of Pennsylvania (besides your temporary permit, of course).


You are now a certified massage therapist in Mcmurray, PA! You can now have an exciting and lucrative profession, be your boss, start your own company, or travel the world working at luxurious resorts. Massage therapists have numerous options in public and private enterprises in various fields, such as health care, beauty, education, and athletics.